



Latitude in Degrees Minutes Seconds (DMS):

0° 0' 0'' N

Longitude in Degrees Minutes Seconds (DMS):

0° 0' 0'' E

About Latitude and Longitude to Degrees Minutes Seconds Converter

This tool converting Latitude and Longitude to Degrees Minutes Seconds (DMS) in Online.
Degrees minutes seconds (DMS) are special type of units used for measuring angles, as an alternative to decimal way to stating the size of an angle. In a full circle there are 360 degrees.
Each degree is split up into 60 parts, each part being 1/60 of a degree. These parts are called minutes.
Each minute is split up into 60 parts, each part being 1/60 of a minute. These parts are called seconds.
The size of an angle could be stated this way: 40 degrees, 20 minutes, 50 seconds.

° : degree
' : minute
" : second

Directions abbreviations are:
S: South
W: West
E: East
N: North

9.34136 to 9° 20' 28.88880"
76.83105 to 76° 49' 51.78360"

Lat Long to DMS  Latitude and Longitude to Degrees Minutes Seconds  DMS Converter  Degrees Minutes Seconds  Latitude and Longitude to DMS

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